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our impact

Only 29% of youth start our programs with some civic knowledge, but 93% leave feeling highly knowledgeable and experienced. YVote youth become "civic sparkplugs," inspiring their families and peers to engage in civic action and often leading community workshops on advocacy, participation, and voter registration.

2024 Impact Report Thumbnail Image

2024 Impact Report

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2023 Impact Report Thumbnail Image

2023 Impact Report

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want to support change?

Young people say their biggest barrier to voting is a lack of youth-friendly information on issues and elections. Help YVote break down those barriers by supporting our youth-led, issue-based programs.

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Ananna D's Profile Image

"From outgoing facilitators who will always support you, to peers who share just as much fuel about inducing change, you have so much space and ability to discuss the social issues that reside in our democracy today."

- Ananna D

Manuella D's Profile Image

"Being surrounded by people who are interested in politics or passionate about democracy in general gave me hope. Our desire to share what we've learned with others, we can and will make a difference."

- Manuella D

Kelechi O's Profile Image

"16 year olds can get a driver’s license. If you can trust 16 or 17 year olds with a life you should be able to trust them with our democracy."

- Kelechi O

Tina Z's Profile Image

"YVote is fantastic to get politically activated and communally engaged — a super supportive community that seeks to learn about the theoretical and practical ways of affecting change! At YVote, there’s always some interesting and insightful activity to challenge and build on our ideas about power, stakeholders, identity, advocacy, action, etc."

- Tina Z